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For moving, disposal and handy-man services, call in the troops!

Victoria business owner says military experience helps him better serve his clients
The team at TruckNaGuy Logistics & Services are not only top-notch movers, they can take on a variety of delivery, disposal and handy-man services as well.

When Joshua Evans opened TruckNaGuy Logistics & Services in October 2022, he knew the skills and discipline he鈥檇 gained from seven years in the military would serve him well in his new venture.

鈥淚鈥檓 used to following orders and being careful,鈥 says Evans, who officially wraps up his military career on April 1. 鈥淭he attention to detail they drill into you in the military translates well into this kind of work.鈥

Joshua and his team at TruckNaGuy Logistics & Services are covered by WCB, and are not only top-notch movers, but they can take on a variety of delivery, disposal and handy-man services as well.

鈥淲e don鈥檛 just move people,鈥 Evans says. 鈥淢ost of the guys on staff are in the military as well, so the wide range of skills they bring to the table means we can meet a variety of different demands, effectively and efficiently.鈥

For tradesmen with a deadline, their services include affordable help for short-term projects in the evenings and on weekends. If something in your home or business is damaged and needs repair, they can send in the troops to help get it done.

鈥淚f you need something like a toilet installed, rather than pay the high cost of a plumber, we can source and pick up a toilet (logistics), and then install it for you (service),鈥 Evans says.

Looking for an affordable option for local moves? Whether it鈥檚 your home or business, they go out of their way to take care of your belongings and make your move as smooth and efficient as you鈥檝e ever experienced.

鈥淎n older lady we recently did a move for said to me, 鈥業鈥檓 really glad I called you! The way you took charge and lead your team 鈥 I鈥檝e never seen anyone do this kind of work quite like that!鈥

Need a trailer towed somewhere? They can do that too. With a growing fleet, they can take care of your transport needs as well.

TruckNaGuy Logistics & Services makes sure your needs come first, with a variety of top-quality services and plans. Their main goal is to take care of everything from start to finish, bringing you exceptional results 鈥 at a great price.

鈥淲e can complete your project for a lot less than the big guys charge,鈥 Evans says. 鈥淲e believe longevity is more important than profit. In the military you鈥檙e taught 鈥榚thos and ethics over everything,鈥 and I鈥檝e tried to bring those values to this business platform.鈥

Environmentally friendly

TruckNaGuy Logistics & Services provides junk removal services that are hassle-free, affordable, and sustainable. They don鈥檛 charge above local GFL fees, with environmental considerations at the dump 鈥 items that are donatable are given to Habitat for Humanity, thrift stores or church/non profit organizations.

鈥淚 always bring my tools with me, so I can fix anything that might need it before it goes on the truck,鈥 Evans says. 鈥淲hether in business or personal interactions, it鈥檚 important to go that extra mile to show you care!鈥

Follow them on , and call 778-700-6823 or email trucknaguy@gmail.com for more information.



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