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Cop credits running for mental health during Wounded Warriors Nanaimo stop

2024 Wounded Warrior Run 91茄子鈥檚 Daryl Baswick talks about healing effect of running
Nathalie Butler, left, Yanna Hempler and Jacqueline Zweng, round Bowen Road onto East Wellington Road as Wounded Warriors Run 91茄子 made a stop in Nanaimo March 1. (Karl Yu/News Bulletin)

A Vancouver Island police officer taking part in a fundraising tour, that raises awareness of post-traumatic stress disorder, finds solace in running.

Wounded Warrior Run 91茄子 sees a team, that includes first responders and members of the Armed Forces, traversing north to south Vancouver Island. At a tour stop in Nanaimo Friday, March 1, Daryl Baswick, a Victoria Police Department member, spoke of the therapeutic nature of running.

Baswick鈥檚 24-year policing career is drawing to a close, and he feels fortunate that he鈥檚 leaving with reasonable physical and mental health. Running has always been a key part of his life, he said.

鈥淩unning benefits us physically and mentally and those two are so connected,鈥 Baswick told the News Bulletin. 鈥淭he link between mind and body is so profound and so strong 鈥 to be outside, to get fresh air. I look over my shoulder here and see beautiful mountains with snow on them and a cloud drifting across, a bit of sun and it is so powerful.鈥

Baswick thinks more and more people are becoming aware of PTSD, unlike when his policing career began. There wasn鈥檛 much known about exposure, nor was there much followup to critical incidents, he said.

鈥淭here鈥檚 so much knowledge now about the physical impact the traumatic incidents and critical incidents can have on a person, on their brain, and how it affects a person physically and how PTSD can result from that,鈥 Baswick said. 鈥淪ome of the great things that are possible now is recognizing if that鈥檚 the case, intervening early (helps). In my organization, we have a critical incidence risk management team, we have peer support.鈥

A target of $250,000 has been set and as of March 2, close to $116,000 has been raised, according to Jacqueline Zweng, director of Wounded Warrior Run 91茄子 and people can do more than just donate.

鈥淲e鈥檝e asked people for a couple of calls to action this year,鈥 said Zweng. 鈥淕o to , check out a program, take five minutes to learn a little bit about it because you might help somebody else if you鈥檝e been armed with that knowledge to be able to support a first responder or a serving member.鈥

The team left Nanaimo the morning of Saturday, March 2 and will conclude Sunday, March 3 in Victoria.

For more information, including to donate, go to .


Daryl Baswick, participant of Wounded Warriors Run 91茄子 in 2024, has found running therapeutic. (Karl Yu/News Bulletin)

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Karl Yu

About the Author: Karl Yu

I joined Black Press in 2010 and cover education, court and RDN. I am a Ma Murray and CCNA award winner.
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